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Vision and Values


Every school in the Trust will flourish whilst ensuring a strong ethos of support and collaboration. This is based on the unshakeable belief that children learn through all aspects of their daily lives and that their values and knowledge, experiences and habits are as important as their academic qualifications.

Transformational learning

Every child and adult in our schools will work and learn in an environment that can transform their lives through the knowledge and skills they acquire, and the habits and relationships they form.

Flourishing community

Our schools will be loving communities in which people flourish in every way, places of inclusion, encouragement, and equity, that are vibrant and contemporary.

Great schools

Our schools will enhance their communities and serve the common good, be both reflective and outward looking, and operationally sustainable and secure.

This vision is grounded in the Christian understanding of God as love, that calls us to live out and express that love in all that we do and are. This aligns with the CofE - life in all fullness - and also takes inspiration from the parable of the good Samaritan making a practical difference to every member of our diverse community.


We value every child equally, and recognise that they have one, unique opportunity to learn, develop and mature in our care.

  • Every child can succeed and contribute positively to their community, both now and in the future, regardless of their background.
  • We work together with integrity and trust, sharing the experiences we have and learning from each other for the good of the children in our care.
  • We will proactively develop staff potential across all schools in the Trust, investing in colleagues and supporting a common journey of improvement.
  • In each school we will provide an aspirational environment that is vibrant and creative where we foster curiosity, guide excellence, grow children of good character and nurture a love of life.


  • Championing young people rather than institutions
  • Collaborating rather than competing where it delivers positive impacts on learning
  • Acting with the highest levels of integrity and engendering trust
  • Encouraging professional freedoms within consistent boundaries
  • Continually developing the skills and capacities of our people and our organisation