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Becoming an ELT School

The Benefits

We would be delighted to talk to you about all of the benefits of joining ELT. However, in essence, we believe there are 6 key reasons, which can be summarised as follows;

Genuine belief that every child can succeed and flourish

We value every child who attends our schools, regardless of their background or context.  Every one of our community deserves the best possible experience, we have open doors for every child and will be their champion.  We do not put barriers in the way of our families and we love the fact that our students represent a genuine cross-section of our communities.  We have those who are incredibly aspirational and go on to study further at the most selective institutions, and others who find education a huge challenge and need lots of support: all are welcome.  As a result, we build strong schools which support and transform their communities beyond the school gates.

Excellent staff development opportunities

We believe that great provision for the children in our care comes from developing the staff in our schools so put them first in our decisions.  We have a superb programme of training for colleagues at all stages of their careers, which weaves together to form a culture of improvement and professional development.  These opportunities also mean that colleagues plan and deliver training, further enhancing their skills.  Underpinning all this is the collaborative work which happens between schools, giving opportunity for secondment and working in other settings to enhance and deepen professional understanding.

Highly capable and enthusiastic trust leadership team to draw on

Our Trust team contains a vast range of experience and proven track record in school leadership, improvement, governance and operations.  We are all highly motivated to help schools thrive and be able to concentrate on the focal point in schools: excellent learning.  We will be able to support you with every aspect that you need and act as a critical friend where needed in any aspect from early career, financial planning, school inspection, health and safety or governance to name just a few.  We all love what we do as we daily improve the lives of the communities we serve.

We act in the interests of children by fostering interdependence

Deep and purposeful collaboration is at the heart of our mission.  We believe that every school has something to offer the other schools in the family, regardless of its stage of development.  We respect each other and know that we can draw on the experience of others in the Trust to enable ever improving provision for our pupils and students.  We support one another in being the best we can to help our children succeed and flourish.

 Curriculum innovation and development

The schools in our Trust are genuinely engaged in innovative curriculum design, knowing that this is the foundation of effective teaching.  We use evidence to inform our practice and keep up to date with national developments.  Throughout our schools we plan carefully, test what we are doing, robustly challenge its effect and seek ways to improve and refine what and how we teach our students and pupils.  It is exciting to work together to constantly enhance and improve this key provision of our schools so every child can be ready for their next stage of learning.

Clear Christian vision, underpinned by community engagement

Our Trust is underpinned by clear Christian values, yet we realise that most of our communities do not necessarily have an active faith.  We build our decisions around the Church of England’s ecology of wisdom, hope, community and dignity, which can be applied just as effectively in a community setting as well. We want every school to retain and develop their distinctive ethos and culture, and for church schools that will be rooted in their Christian character which we will support and enhance.

If you want to be a part of our Trust, and your culture aligns with ours, then please get in touch so we can talk further.